Starre Vartan is known to many in the green world. Founder and editor of Eco Chick, her writing appears in The Huffington Post, and The Daily Green , as well as other notable green media.
Here she reports on her own self-administered composting test of our All Occasion Veneerware®. Lots of people love our products, and share their experiences using our products. But this is one of the first times our products have been put to test after being used.
And we think that is exactly the way it should be.
We encourage people and caterers who us our products, to dispose of them properly. Nothing makes us happier to know our Biodegradable and Composable plates end up feeding the earth. It is also important to know that our plates are the only plate made from renewable sources that have been Certified Organic.
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Compostable Packaging Test: Bambu Plates Breakdown: "
This week we’re thrilled to bring you the latest installment of our Packaging the Future compost tests, where we break down the real-life biodegradability of eco packaging. Although I started this series expecting less than stellar results (what with all the nay-saying regarding biodegradable packaging), I am now pleasantly surprised to say that we are two for two! This week we put the compostable bambu brand bamboo plate to the test and found that it really does break down quite nicely - hit the jump for our in-depth report!
Read the rest of Compostable Packaging Test: Bambu Plates Breakdown
Technorati Tags:
bamboo, bambu, bambu plates, biodegradable packaging, composting test, design, green design, green materials, green packaging, packaging the future, sustainable design, New Tag, All Occasion Veneerware, renewable ideas, bamboo plates