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Beijing cracks down on recyclers. Moves them out of the city during the Olympics

Beijing's Latest Olympic Crackdown: Recyclers

The chinese are the world's great recyclers. They are wonderfully resourceful and provide a real value to the urban centers. Why move them out of the city at a time its needed most? Why feel that this tarnishes China's image?

As reported here.

(via TreeHugger )

Bejing is cracking down on the cities recyclers and moving them out of the city during the Olympics. Most are immigrants from other provinces, living on low daily wages. Being sent home makes little sense from this perspective.

On an upnote, in Shanghai, the recycling pick-up is just down the street from our office. Some images of the examples of recycling in action. We marvel at the effort and their ability. It is something to be impressed and pleased about. Not shuttered out of sight.


And, we're throwing in another. We've seem and admire bamboo bikes (Craig Calfee Designs are at the top of our list. Craig is someone we've helped to source bamboo poles for his frames). But a bike carrying bamboo, now that's different, but equally cool. (courtesy of the guys at BikeHugger)