It is a movement. And now it's a book. Kombucha Revolution is a newly released book that provides a chronicle of Kombucha, and presents 75 different ways to create, and enjoy the wonder drink, Kombucha. It is a gorgeous book, beautifully photographed and superbly presented. Kombucha has moved to the level of artisanal craft. And we are honored to be part of this movement (see our recipe below).
The author, Stephen Lee, knows tea. The founder of Stash Tea and Tazo Tea, Stephen first discovered Kombucha on a trip to Russia decades ago. He's been fascinated with the fermented probiotic drink ever since.
Stephen explains how easy it is to brew your own at home. As with most anything, if you start with high quality ingredients you are likely to create a good, and good-for-you drink at home with little effort and little money.
We have been fans of Kombucha for several years. Since first hearing about the benefits of Kombucha to digestive health, and then sold on the tart and sweet, invigorating taste. There are several great store brands available (Synergy, Kombucha Wonder Drink, Dr. Kombucha, to name a few), but if you are drinking everyday, then this becomes a expensive. Not unlike the venti size latte. And since we can't find it in China, we explored brewing our own.
And that led us to Kombucha Kamp. The owner of Kombucha Kamp, is Hannah Crum otherwise known as the Kombucha Mamma. It was our source of information, inspiration, encouragement, and key ingredients. We learned about the long, almost mythical history of Kombucha which dates back centuries to Asia. Friends in China, have told us they remember well the strange beverage that grandmother had in the house. Kombucha is loosely translated to mean 'mushroom tea,' it really has nothing to do with mushrooms.
We starting home brewing a couple of years ago, and have been experimenting with different tea leaves, infusions and ingredients. Kombucha brewing is a natural offshoot to our interest and enjoyment with tea, in general.
Our best and favorite Kombucha concoction is a recipe that is featured in Kombucha Revolution. We call it Bambu'Cha. A play on name and translation. We include a couple of super nutritious ingredients, fresh fruit, and throw in a little heat. It's easy, it's fun, and it's delicious!
You start with your brewed tea. Then you infuse it with -
- Strawberries
- Goji Berries
- Ginger
- Chili
- Chia Seeds
The taste is a combination of berry sweetness with a ginger and chili kick. Chia Seeds are packed with Omega3s, antioxidants, and protein. The background of our 'bambu Cha' and the full recipe of how you can easily make it, can be downloaded here. Not only is it tasty to drink, the benefits of Kombucha are numerous; Better digestion, increased energy, and a clearer mind.
Fermented tea is one of the several fermented foods that aids in digestion and gives the body the 'good bacteria' the body needs to function well.
Published by 10 Speed Press in Berkeley, the book contains cocktail recipes, dressings, desserts, and some clever ideas to incorporate Kombucha in a whole range of foods. It becomes a healthy substitute for plain vinegar. Or how about, Kombucha jello shots? If you're thinking kombucha juices or cocktails, then think about including our bamboo straws as a natural accessory to your good, and good-for you beverage concoction.