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Bee the Change. World Honey Bee Day

Bee the Change. World Honey Bee Day

Bees have their day too and we are delighted to honor Bee Day. World Honey Bee Day is August 20th. And as most of our customers and friends know, we love bees and have a strong connection to our bee friends. bambu has been a supporter of the Honey Bee Lab at Oregon State for nearly four years. 


One of the key reasons we started our company, Bambu, more than 10 years ago was because of our care and respect for the natural environment. In the designs that we create, and the materials that we use, we strive to provide people with sustainable alternatives.

We care about and are concerned for the plight of the bee populations and the affect that has on the well-being of our planet’s eco-systems. Bee colonies are integral to a healthy planet. Which is why we are associated with the folks at the Honey Bee Research Lab in Corvallis, Oregon. 


Summer is a particularly busy time for the lab team. After months of 'heading to the fields' to gather bee intel from the crops, colonies and pollinating areas, they head back to the lab to study and understand the data.

One of the many innovative ways in which they try and help the bee populations is through a 'weather balloon' method to attract drone. This is really cool...

honey bee research

As told from Carolyn Breece in the Honey Lab Department. "The balloon had a queen pheromone attached to it and we walked around the farm hoping to find a “drone congregation area” or DCA. These are special places in the sky in which drones congregate and hope a queen passes through. If she does, about 20 drones will mate with her (successful drones will soon die). We tried to fake this by hoping our queen pheromone would pass through a DCA. We would see a “comet” of drones if we did. DCA’s are difficult to find but it’s fun to try!"

"We are as busy as our bees here at the OSU Honey Bee Lab! We look forward to continuing research on honey bee health and educating new beekeepers and the public about these essential pollinators, and we thank Bambu for their continuous support!"


We believe that businesses and individuals need to take action. We want to give back to our Oregon community. We are a small family owned business native to Oregon. We want to support other small businesses.

We can support the OSU Honeybee Lab by:

Contributing monetary support to general and specific research projects.
Using our branded message platforms to build awareness for your program, and showcase the work of local bee farmers.
Encouraging people and businesses to learn more and support bee conservation.
Promoting our partnership with customers and other business
Promoting bee protection with tasteful ‘bee-themed’ products in the marketplace.

 Read more about our Partnerships here.