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Eco-Fair 2008 Shanghai, China

We held the second Shanghai Eco-Fair on Saturday, October 25th outside at URBN Hotel, China's first and only carbon neutral hotel. URBN was designed by our friends at A00. (A00 is also a one of the other brands involved in our retail project, NEST where they display some of the fine furniture pieces.)

The event was a huge success attracting 350 local residents interested in our growing roster of companies promoting a healthy environment through their products and services. NEST was a sponsor along with AOO, Wobaby Basics. Other exhibitors included Naked Retreats, Arabica Roasters.

There was local organic produce, a variety of talks throughout the day, and even a booth about how to create a living compose with worms. The team provided 'worm starter kits' in reclaimed Coca-Cola bottles.

Our own booth was often three deep in people. Here, Samantha and the team from Nest answer questions and sell our new bamboo holiday ornaments pictured here. Proceeds from the sales of these 'tree's go to support Roots and Shoots which is leading a project to plant trees in Inner Mongolia. Buy A Tree, Plant a Tree.

These and other products are available at NEST.

Over 3000 RMB was donated to Roots and Shoots to support their work.

Plans for a bigger and better event early next year are already underway. We thank everyone for their support.